Five years ago, we were happy and thrilled to meet the idol group Gunjou no Sekai for their first-anniversary live performance on December 23th 2019 at Shibuya Stream Hall. At that time, the group was still young and very promising, with a solid discography reminiscent of the Sakamichi groups, such as Nogizaka46, and a remarkable energy on stage.
Gunjo no Sekai is an idol group created in December 2018, with currently one single in their discography. The style of their musics may remind you some tunes from the Sakamichi groups (Nogizaka46 and the likes), which we sure won’t complain about! We were at their anniversary live on December 23rd to immortalize the end of this first year of activity for Ichimiya Yui, Nagase Rimi, Yokota Fumika and Kudou Mika. 2018年12月に結成された4人組のアイドルグループ「群青の世界」。46グループ的なサウンドに心が惹かれる、注目すべきグループである! Bonjour Idolは2019年12月23日 (月)・渋谷・ストリームホールに開催された「1st Anniversary Live 『Another story』」に参加し、デビュー1年目を迎えた一宮ゆい、工藤みか、長瀬りみ、横田ふみかの素晴らしいパフォーマンスから目を離すことができなかった。
Also referred to as Aoseka (青セカ), the group's concept and catchphrase is "An unforgettable blue spring" (忘れられない青い春を。). The original line-up disbanded in 2023 for their 5th anniversary, before being rebooted with new members in September 2024.